Sunday Litany

FB_IMG_1562299285770Bis-mi-lah Ar Rahman Ar Rahiym 

In the name of Allah the beneficent the merciful.

In you do i seek guidance.

The Following is a Litnay which i usually perform after my fajr salat prayer which is deemed by some sufis as sufi yoga. As soon as im finished i recite the following.

100x Istagfirullah.

100x Laa ila haa ila llah.

1x Surah Al Fajr.

1x Surah Al Dhuha.

1x Qasside Sindidi.

1x Qasside Ya Rahman Ya Rahiym.

1x Qasside Al-Hadi.

1x Qasside Ya Rabana.

1000x Takbir Allahu Akbar.

My reason for doing such spiritual practices ia to keep me intune with the most high, to defuse my ego in contemplation of the sacred names of the creator of the boundless universes who is known by many names of those with different spiritual teachings yet focused on the oneness of the creator. The sufi poems qasside mention are apart of the teachings of the mouride, muridiyya sufi brotherhood. The following litnay im sharing that it may be of benefit to you as it is to me. As salaamu alaikum wa ramatu ala wa barakatahu. – Neb Nyansapo Nupu El


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