Sirr Secrets of Praying Mantis

Bis-mi-llah Ar Rahman Ar Rahiym 786
Eid Mubarak to All Musilims, Mouride’s, Murids, all seekers of spiritual truth no matter what your religion All is one we are All in Hu.

Last Saturday I was walking into the house some time after Dhuur prayer as I came up the steps I noticed a praying mantis on the left hand side of the door. It is taught in Quran that Allah/Huwa teachs us and sends us messages and signs through his creation.

Surat ‘Āli `Imrān
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in surah

Yusuf Ali
“This is what we rehearse unto thee of the Signs and the Message of Wisdom.”

If we look to the Quran surely we will find guidance on that which manifest its self within nature on planet earth.  image

When the praying mantis appears it signifies ones spiritual path which you must travel in life, it is also a symbolic of meditation as well patience.

Muraqaba (Arabic: مراقبة) is the Sufi word for meditation. Literally it is an Arabic term which means “to watch over”, “to take care of”, or “to keep an eye”. It implies that with meditation, a person watches over or takes care of his spiritual heart (or soul), and acquires knowledge about it, its surroundings, and its creator.

The spiritual heart in Arabic is called Qalb arsh or known as the heart Chakra or some call this location the seat of the soul. Soul in the kemetic mystic philosophy of Pert em Heru is termed as Ba – soul and its very interesting that the praying mantis was standing at the Door which is the entrance into the house. Door in Arabic is Al Baab and A Door in Arabic is pronounced Baabun.


In Egypt the Baboon is said to be a symbol of one of the Neteru known as Tehuti known as the scribe of wisdom and knowledge for his image is shown holding a stele and Qalam pen or feather writing the sacred or divine words of Hu on the papyrus. Another interesting fact is that the color of the praying mantis is green and el khidr is known as the green one. Green is symbolic of healing also. So the message that I gained is step thru the Bab door for New Beginnings are on the otherside of this door waiting to manifest as you step thru.


7 thoughts on “Sirr Secrets of Praying Mantis”

  1. Do you know of anywhere in the NY/NJ area in a mosque or elsewhere where people study/are familiar with or discuss the correlations between ancient Kemetic teachings and Islam?

  2. Stunning! While I was searching for spiritual path, often praying mantis appeared before me. I thought that it was my subjective seeing of those signs, but your text gives another validation. Peace upon you, brother in tasawuf!

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